Jane Brighton MA

Abstract Painter

I was born in London, although my family, originally Hugenots, come from the small East Anglian village of Thaxted. At the age of eighteen I won a place at the Slade School of Fine Art specializing in painting and drawing; I then went to the Institute of Education to qualify in the Art Teachers Certificate. Although painting has been my first love, I have also taught firstly in Uganda, and then in Further Education and main stream schools. A curiosity about the play of the unconscious in art led me to study art psychotherapy at Goldsmiths College. The Slade and Goldsmiths training have given me the space to use the freedom to experiment but also the structural discipline. I moved to the Cotswolds to set up the Postlip painters, running art and sculpture exhibitions and classes and music festivals.

As a mature student I went back to college and achieved the MA in Fine Art.

I am a member of the United Society of Artists and have work in the catalogue and website of the National Art of the UK or YourPaintings/UKArt.

I have exhibited widely, mainly in London including Cork Street Open, Meniers and Bankside and the Chelsea Art Fair and regionally, including the Royal West of England Academy and Central Gallery Bristol.

Jane Brighton MA

Get in Touch for more information on Jane Brighton, exhibitions and her new work.

Prices on request